Hi, please tell me where Horrible Harry Moves up to the Third Grade by Suzy Kline flibusta touch library read get

Hi, please tell me where Horrible Harry Moves up to the Third Grade by Suzy Kline flibusta touch library read get

Hi, please tell me where Horrible Harry Moves up to the Third Grade by Suzy Kline flibusta touch library read get

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Book description
“Was everything going to change in third grade”? (pg.11) Horrible Harry Moves up to Third Grade is book ten in the Horrible Harry series. The story is told from the perspective of Doug who is Harry’s best friend. After surviving the second grade together, Doug is both nervous and excited about what third grade would bring. Having the same awesome teacher from last year helped ease some of those transition nerves. A few things are different in the third grade, but one thing that hadnt changed was Harry and his rivalry with Sidney. The first assignment of the third grade called for a bit of a show and tell. Harry decided to one up everyones show and tell the next day and bring in a spider from his bathtub. Well, Sidney decided to “accidentally” kill the spider sparking Harry’s horribly awesome revenge. I give Horrible Harry 2 stars because the story was a little rushed and boring. In about 60 pages we skip from the first day all the way to the first class field trip. It is hard to believe that other crazy events didn’t take place. Also I didn’t like the fact that the teacher allowed these boys to be so mischievous and nasty to each other without stepping in to mediate. However I did appreciate the accurate portrayal of a group of third graders. I currently work at a school during their after school time and get to work with kids of varying grades. The boys I work with are all about one ups and “roasting”. You also have your extremely inquisitive children like Mary in Horrible Harry, but this trait is seen in more than just the girls.I don’t see the Horrible Harry books being part of my future class library. The resolution at the end was rushed and I do not wish to have children read a book about boys pranking each other. This might inspire them to reenact what happened and justify it with this book.
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