Hi, please tell me where Ghosthunting Illinois by John B. Kachuba fb2 phone kickass download audio

Hi, please tell me where Ghosthunting Illinois by John B. Kachuba fb2 phone kickass download audio

Hi, please tell me where Ghosthunting Illinois by John B. Kachuba fb2 phone kickass download audio

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Book description
Lock the doors, draw the curtains, and light a candle as you join author John Kachuba on a guided tour of Illinois’s most terrifyingly haunted places. Your hair-raising journey will take you to:• Old State Capital, Springfield — Lincoln lay in state here before his burial in Oak Ridge Cemetery. Could his ghost haunt the spot where his body lay?• Harpo Studios, Chicago — When the Eastland steamer capsized in 1915, the building served as a temporary morgue. Oprah’s employees have encountered the ghosts of the victims, including the “Gray Lady” who floats through the halls.• And many more scary sites.Maps and travel information are provided to every haunted location for those brave enough to make the journey in person.
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