Hi, please tell me where Gemini by Sonya Mukherjee (Goodreads Author) read eng italian price online

Hi, please tell me where Gemini by Sonya Mukherjee (Goodreads Author) read eng italian price online

Hi, please tell me where Gemini by Sonya Mukherjee (Goodreads Author) read eng italian price online

> READ BOOK > Gemini

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Book description

Book description
Seventeen-year-old conjoined twins Clara and Hailey have lived in the same small town their entire lives—no one stares at them anymore. But there are cracks in their quiet existence, and they’re slowly becoming more apparent.Clara and Hailey are at a crossroads. Clara wants to stay close to home, avoid all attention, and study the night sky. Hailey wants to travel the world, learn from great artists, and dance with mysterious boys.As high school graduation approaches, each twin must untangle her dreams from her sister’s, and figure out what it means to be her own person.
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