Hi, please tell me where From This Day Forward: Five Commitments to Fail-Proof Your Marriage by Craig Groeschel fb2 download free

Hi, please tell me where From This Day Forward: Five Commitments to Fail-Proof Your Marriage by Craig Groeschel fb2 download free

Hi, please tell me where From This Day Forward: Five Commitments to Fail-Proof Your Marriage by Craig Groeschel fb2 download free

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Book description

Book description
The choices you make each and every day determine not only your relationship with God but also the quality of your marriage. The decisions you make today will determine the marriage you will have tomorrow.In From This Day Forward, you will discover five commitments that will absolutely fail-proof your marriage:Seek God.Fight fair.Have fun.Stay pure, andNever give up.If you and your spouse will earnestly commit to do all five of these things, you’ll discover a richer, deeper, more authentic relationship and a more rewarding, more passionate love life.Don’t be a statistic. Don’t be average. Let’s get you the marriage you’ve always wanted.Starting right now—from this day forward.
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