Hi, please tell me where Fifteen Lanes by S.J. Laidlaw (Goodreads Author) apple francais wiki writer online

Hi, please tell me where Fifteen Lanes by S.J. Laidlaw (Goodreads Author) apple francais wiki writer online

Hi, please tell me where Fifteen Lanes by S.J. Laidlaw (Goodreads Author) apple francais wiki writer online

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Book description
Noor has lived all of her fourteen years in the fifteen lanes of Mumbai’s red light district. Born into a brothel, she is destined for the same fate as her mother: a desperate life trapped in the city’s sex trade. She must act soon to have any chance of escaping this grim future.Across the sprawling city, fifteen-year-old Grace enjoys a life of privilege. Her father, the CEO of one of India’s largest international banks, has brought his family to Mumbai where they live in unparalleled luxury. But Grace’s seemingly perfect life is shattered when she becomes a victim of a cruel online attack.When their paths intersect, Noor and Grace will be changed forever. Can two girls living in vastly different worlds find a common path?Award-winning author S.J. Laidlaw masterfully weaves together their stories in a way that resonates across class and culture. Fifteen Lanes boldly explores the ties that bind us to places and people, and shows us that the strongest of bonds can be forged when hope is all but lost.
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