Hi, please tell me where Fast Girls: Teenage Tribes And The Myth Of The Slut by Emily White (Goodreads Author) review link english torrent book

Hi, please tell me where Fast Girls: Teenage Tribes And The Myth Of The Slut by Emily White (Goodreads Author) review link english torrent book

Hi, please tell me where Fast Girls: Teenage Tribes And The Myth Of The Slut by Emily White (Goodreads Author) review link eng…

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Book description

Book description
The book was very interesting, but it didnt answer the one question that I wanted answered.Why is it that a certain type of girl (popular, everyone adores) can be one of the biggest sluts in school and no one uters a word against her. In fact she has more friends than everyone. But if another girl who has never even had sex before gets labled a slut and rumors go crazy and the poor girls self esteem is trashed.I hated jr high and high school because of the cruelity that abounds. It was bad when I was going to school in the 70s and early 80s. When my daughter was in school it was worst, but it was much harder because of the technology. Even women my age can be vipers. Whats wrong when women in their 40s and older cant stop with petty gossip and spreading rumors.Sorry, Ill get off my soap box!
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