Hi, please tell me where Everything but a Dog by Holly Jacobs (Goodreads Author) flibusta no registration online how to original

Hi, please tell me where Everything but a Dog by Holly Jacobs (Goodreads Author) flibusta no registration online how to original

Hi, please tell me where Everything but a Dog by Holly Jacobs (Goodreads Author) flibusta no registration online how to original

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Book description
Wannabe matchmaker Nana Vancy has donned her Cupid wings once again—this time for Dr. Della McGraw, the distant cousin of her pal Annabelle. Together with her partners in crime, Annabelle and Isabel, she concocts a clever plan to find Della her knight in shining armor. Their first stop? The local dog shelter.When Jonah McIntosh rescues three old ladies and their narcoleptic dog, it’s just the topper for his lousy day. But things start looking up when he finds himself in the company of the lovely veterinarian Della. There’s just one teensy problem: he’s allergic to dogs.But Nana’s convinced a happily ever after is in the cards. Can she work her magic once more—or is this one romance that’s doomed before it’s even begun?Everything But... Series in order:1. Everything But a Groom2. Everything But a Bride3. Everything But a Wedding4. Everything But a Christmas Eve5. Everything But a Mother6. Everything But a Dog
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