Hi, please tell me where Everyday Spice: The heart-healthy way to make your favourite dishes by British Heart Foundation (Creator) download german via how read mobile

Hi, please tell me where Everyday Spice: The heart-healthy way to make your favourite dishes by British Heart Foundation (Creator) download german via how read mobile

Hi, please tell me where Everyday Spice: The heart-healthy way to make your favourite dishes by British Heart Foundation (Creator)

> READ BOOK > Everyday Spice: The heart-healthy way to make your favourite dishes

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Book description

Book description
Give in to temptation and enjoy these palate-tingling curries, aromatic salads and feisty stir-fries that prove that flavour does not have to be off the menu if you have a heart condition. This book brings you a delicious selection of the worlds best spice-infused cooking , with 60 recipes adapted to be as good for your heart as they are for your appetite. Spice up your mealtimes with rich, vibrantly flavoured dishes, from comforting Indian classics such as chicken tikka masala and biriyani, West Indian favourites such as Jamaican jerk prawns or chicken, curry goat and rice and peas, and Far Eastern specialities like stir-fried beef, to more modern delicacies such as jewelled cous cous salad and Thai sweet chilli chicken wraps. This book is full of exotic dishes bursting with complex, exciting flavours.
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