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Hi, please tell me where Essays on the Gita by Sri Aurobindo download via pc without registering bookstore

Hi, please tell me where Essays on the Gita by Sri Aurobindo download via pc without registering bookstore

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Book description
A masterly exposition of the pre-eminent Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita. It was after reading these essays, in particular, that in the 1930s President Wilsons daughter went to Sri Aurobindo and devoted her life - receiving the name Nishtha via his vision in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry.An exposition of the spiritual philosophy and method of self-discipline in the Bhagavad Gita. Almost all spiritual problems have been briefly but deeply dealt with in the Gita, Sri Aurobindo remarked to a disciple, and I have tried to bring all that out fully in the Essays. In his estimation the Gita is a great work of spiritual synthesis, for it built a harmony between the three great means and powers, Love, Knowledge and Works, through which the soul of man can directly approach and cast itself into the Eternal. Our object in studying the Gita, Sri Aurobindo wrote, will not be a scholastic or academical scrutiny of its thought, nor to place its philosophy in the history of metaphysical speculation, nor shall we deal with it in the manner of the analytical dialectician. We approach it for help and light and our aim must be to distinguish its essential and living message, that in it on which humanity has to seize for its perfection and its highest spiritual welfare.
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