Hi, please tell me where Egypt and the Limits of Hellenism by Ian S. Moyer free eReader touch how download reader

Hi, please tell me where Egypt and the Limits of Hellenism by Ian S. Moyer free eReader touch how download reader

Hi, please tell me where Egypt and the Limits of Hellenism by Ian S. Moyer free eReader touch how download reader

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Book description

Book description
In a series of studies, Ian Moyer explores the ancient history and modern historiography of relations between Egypt and Greece from the fifth century BCE to the early Roman empire. Beginning with Herodotus, he analyzes key encounters between Greeks and Egyptian priests, the bearers of Egypts ancient traditions. Four moments unfold as rich micro-histories of cross-cultural interaction: Herodotus interviews with priests at Thebes; Manethos composition of an Egyptian history in Greek; the struggles of Egyptian priests on Delos; and a Greek physicians quest for magic in Egypt. In writing these histories, the author moves beyond Orientalizing representations of the Other and colonial metanarratives of the civilizing process to reveal interactions between Greeks and Egyptians as transactional processes in which the traditions, discourses and pragmatic interests of both sides shaped the outcome. The result is a dialogical history of cultural and intellectual exchanges between the great civilizations of Greece and Egypt.
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