Hi, please tell me where Drama Queen by Joe Cosentino (Goodreads Author) download acquire buy shop ipad

Hi, please tell me where Drama Queen by Joe Cosentino (Goodreads Author) download acquire buy shop ipad

Hi, please tell me where Drama Queen by Joe Cosentino (Goodreads Author) download acquire buy shop ipad

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Book description
It could be curtains for college theatre professor Nicky Abbondanza. With dead bodies popping up all over campus, Nicky must use his drama skills to figure out who is playing the role of murderer before it is lights out for Nicky and his colleagues. Complicating matters is Nickys huge crush on Noah Oliver, a gorgeous assistant professor in his department, who may or may not be involved with a cocky graduate assistant...and is also the top suspect for the murders! You will be applauding and shouting Bravo for Joe Cosentinos fast-paced, side-splittingly funny, edge-of-your-seat, delightfully entertaining novel. Curtain up!
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