Hi, please tell me where Dolce Agonia by Nancy Huston pdf ibooks ipad

Hi, please tell me where Dolce Agonia by Nancy Huston pdf ibooks ipad

Hi, please tell me where Dolce Agonia by Nancy Huston pdf ibooks ipad

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Book description
Take a drop of existential angst, mix with a group of old friends, stir in the sweet agony of midlife nostalgia, and you have the recipe for the Thanksgiving dinner from hell - especially when its narrated in part by a mischievous God who pulls their strings and show us the workings.A group of cosmopolitan friends in midlife gather in New England for a Thanksgiving dinner - and are trapped there when it snows. Sean, the Irish hard-drinking poet is their host, but hasnt told them hes dying of cancer. In fact none of them would be there if they didnt have the kind of dysfunctional lives and problems which prevent them being with their own families.With the exception of the enigmatic outsider, a new young trophy wife, they all know too much about each other, their weak points and failures. Relationships and histories criss-cross; they have little in common except a mutual past and a search for meaning in the present. And meanwhile theyre all at the mercy of fate - both inevitable and surprising, funny and tragic.
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