Hi, please tell me where Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead by Peter Grimwade sale selling read how to itunes

Hi, please tell me where Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead by Peter Grimwade sale selling read how to itunes

Hi, please tell me where Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead by Peter Grimwade sale selling read how to itunes

> READ BOOK > Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead

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Book description
The Doctors time-travelling machine is trapped in the flight-path of an alien spacecraft in orbit around the Earth. To avoid the fatal impact of a head-on collision the TARDIS resorts to the only escape possible and materialises on board the on-coming liner.This solves the immediate problem, but a new difficulty arises — the TARDIS cannot get off the ship until a radio signal transmitting from Earth has been disconnected.The Doctor sets off in a Transmat Capsule, having programmed the TARDIS to enable Tegan and Nyssa to follow him once he has dealt with the interference.Naturally enough, things dont go quite as planned...
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