Hi, please tell me where Dancer Surprise by Julia P. Lynde full reading ios online apple

Hi, please tell me where Dancer Surprise by Julia P. Lynde full reading ios online apple

Hi, please tell me where Dancer Surprise by Julia P. Lynde full reading ios online apple

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Book description

Book description
Julia P. Lynde lives and works in Minnesota, United States.I am older than most of the characters in my books. I have blue eyes and grey hair. I enjoy hiking in the mountains (which is difficult in Minnesota) and hosting dinner parties. Writing has been part of my life for a very long time. Publishing, however, has not. I am very pleased to be publishing my stories on Amazon.When writing a story, I strive to write for myself, but once the stories are written, they are not really complete without readers. So, to my readers: thank you for providing an audience for my characters. I hope you will love them as much as I do.If you love my novels, please rate and review them. Doing so helps other readers find good books. If you find something you dont care for, please tell me. I love getting fan mail, as occasional as it is, and I reply to all mail I receive.
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