Hi, please tell me where Cooking Slow: Recipes for Slowing Down and Cooking More by Andrew Schloss book italian review access download

Hi, please tell me where Cooking Slow: Recipes for Slowing Down and Cooking More by Andrew Schloss book italian review access download

Hi, please tell me where Cooking Slow: Recipes for Slowing Down and Cooking More by Andrew Schloss book italian review access download

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Book description

Book description
This tantalizing book celebrates the art of cooking slowly with time-honored methods that yield tender, delicious meals with little hands-on cooking time. More than 80 recipes cover everything from slow-simmered soups and stews to hearty braised meats and a lemon cheesecake that cures to a creamy custard in a warm oven overnight. A chapter devoted to the sous vide technique will tempt the technophiles, while the slow-grilling section is a revelation for those who man the grill every weekend. Brought to life with 36 enticing photographs by award-winning photographer Alan Benson, this valuable package sells the dream of cooking and living well and is a must-have for dedicated home cooks.
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