Hi, please tell me where Colonial Food by Ann Chandonnet free android audio selling djvu

Hi, please tell me where Colonial Food by Ann Chandonnet free android audio selling djvu

Hi, please tell me where Colonial Food by Ann Chandonnet free android audio selling djvu

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Book description
Of the one hundred Pilgrims who settled at Plymouth in 1620, nearly half had died within months of hardship, starvation or disease. One of the colonys most urgent challenges was to find ways to grow and prepare food in the harsh, unfamiliar climate of the New World. From the meager subsistence of the earliest days and the crucial help provided by Native Americans, to the first Thanksgiving celebrations and the increasingly sophisticated fare served in inns and taverns, this book provides a window onto daily life in Colonial America. It shows how European methods and cuisine were adapted to include native agriculture such as maize, potatoes, beans, peanuts and tomatoes, and features a section of authentic menus and recipes, including apple tansey and crab soup, which can be used to prepare your own colonial meals.
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