Hi, please tell me where Christmas Redemption by Paty Jager (Goodreads Author) pc kickass read link text

Hi, please tell me where Christmas Redemption by Paty Jager (Goodreads Author) pc kickass read link text

Hi, please tell me where Christmas Redemption by Paty Jager (Goodreads Author) pc kickass read link text

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Book description
Van Donovan returns to Pleasant Valley, Oregon where twelve years earlier as a boy of fifteen he left in handcuffs after standing guard for a bank robbery. Hes learned a trade and excelled at it and is ready to prove to his father and the town he can amount to something.Upon his return he learns the fate of the daughter of an innocent man who died in the robbery crossfire. To make amends he takes her out of the saloon and gives her a job, not realizing shed been squatting in the very building hed purchased for his business.Can two battered hearts find solace or will the past continue to haunt their lives?
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