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Hi, please tell me where Christmas Oranges by Linda Bethers ios original read iBooks find

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Book description
Christmas Oranges is a very short story, but a moving one. Little Rose only knew the orphanage as her only home. The caretaker, Mrs. Hartley, was very loving to all the children. But after an epidemic of the flu, Mrs. Hartley passed on. Now Rose was off to another orphanage that was not as welcoming as the one she had previously been in. She makes a few friends, but silence and daily chores were what welcomed her to this new home.At Christmas, a generous neighbor donates a box of oranges for the children. But the headmaster, who dislikes noise and children, only lets the children have the oranges on Christmas morning. The oranges are hung on the Christmas tree. The other children had told Rose of this and she was so excited that she had to see for herself. The headmaster had seen what Rose did and did not let her have an orange. She had triple duty as punishment for getting up in the night to look at the tree with the oranges.No orange for Rose on Christmas morning. The other children decided not to eat their oranges until supper time, only to each save a piece of their orange for Rose, who had never even tasted one.What a wonderful gift for Rose.
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