Hi, please tell me where Charley Harpers Whats in the Woods?: A Nature Discovery Book by Zoe Burke (Goodreads Author) (Text) story fb2 value online iphone

Hi, please tell me where Charley Harpers Whats in the Woods?: A Nature Discovery Book by Zoe Burke (Goodreads Author) (Text) story fb2 value online iphone

Hi, please tell me where Charley Harpers Whats in the Woods?: A Nature Discovery Book by Zoe Burke (Goodreads Author) (Text) story

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Book description

Book description
In artist Charley Harpers Birducopia, a wealth of birds, animals, trees, and plants are ingeniously portrayed, creating a complete environment of a woodsy park. Each creature and plant is extracted from the larger painting and silhouetted on the pages of Whats in the Woods? The accompanying rhyming text by Zoe Burke imagines a walk through the park, identifying the flora and fauna along the way. The journey ends with a foldout page of the complete image, with a key identifying all the animals and plants.
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