Hi, please tell me where Boxers by Gene Luen Yang (Goodreads Author) find audio pc bookstore book

Hi, please tell me where Boxers by Gene Luen Yang (Goodreads Author) find audio pc bookstore book

Hi, please tell me where Boxers by Gene Luen Yang (Goodreads Author) find audio pc bookstore book

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Book description

Book description
China, 1898. Bands of foreign missionaries and soldiers roam the countryside, bullying and robbing Chinese peasants.Little Bao has had enough. Harnessing the powers of ancient Chinese gods, he recruits an army of Boxers--commoners trained in kung fu--who fight to free China from foreign devils.Against all odds, this grass-roots rebellion is violently successful. But nothing is simple. Little Bao is fighting for the glory of China, but at what cost? So many are dying, including thousands of secondary devils--Chinese citizens who have converted to Christianity.
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