Hi, please tell me where Betrayal of the Duke by Grace Fletcher read doc pocket how read book

Hi, please tell me where Betrayal of the Duke by Grace Fletcher read doc pocket how read book

Hi, please tell me where Betrayal of the Duke by Grace Fletcher read doc pocket how read book

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Book description

Book description
DOWNLOAD FOR FREE WITH KINDLE UNLIMITEDWilliam Worchester has been given the title of Duke of Tarrington after his fathers death; a bone of contention with his younger brother James. His spoilt brother believes everything William has should be his because their mother promised it all. Not only does William have to deal with James childish behavior but also his new fiancée, Elizabeth Harrington, who for unknown reasons is virtually cold towards him and their upcoming marriage. He tries to deal with his duties, but he finds himself hopelessly distracted whenever hes near his childhood friend.Victoria Waverly has loved William as long as she can remember. But she knows her place and refuses to entertain any foolish ideas that something can ever happen between them.When Victoria catches James and Elizabeth in a compromising position, she is torn as what to do. Should she tell William or mind her place and keep this to herself?Either way, the outcome isnt going to be good and will result in someones heart being broken. Will true love conquer and overcome the odds? ***All of Grace Fletchers novellas are clean and wholesome Regency Historical Romances.***
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