Hi, please tell me where Bein with You This Way by W. Nikola Lisa (Goodreads Author) online value kickass how download djvu

Hi, please tell me where Bein with You This Way by W. Nikola Lisa (Goodreads Author) online value kickass how download djvu

Hi, please tell me where Bein with You This Way by W. Nikola Lisa (Goodreads Author) online value kickass how download djvu

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Book description
This book is recommended for children 4-8 years of age and has won the Child’s Best Award from Child Magazine. It is a playground rap that demonstrates how all people are different, yet the same.Overall, I did not like this book. It did introduce the idea that all people are different, yet the same by concluding the book with the phrase, Light skin. Dark skin. Long legs. Short legs. Thick arms. Thin arms. Brown eyes. Blue eyes. Big nose. Little nose. Straight hair. Curly hair. Different-- Mm-mmm , but the same, Ah-ha! Now isnt it delightful, simply out-of-sightful, bein with you this way! However, I don’t think this message was strong and bit superficial because the book focused on only physical traits. I read this book in the form of a CD, and I did not like it at all. The reader was monotone, boring, and did not emphasize or inflect her voice at all when reading. For a book that is supposed to be a playground rap, the reader did not read with any sort of rhythm. Even though the illustrations were vibrant, interesting, and added to the book, the overall book left me very disappointed since the represented theme is very important.
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