Hi, please tell me where Aspects In Astrology: A Comprehensive guide to Interpretation by Sue Tompkins doc ebay book bookstore pocket

Hi, please tell me where Aspects In Astrology: A Comprehensive guide to Interpretation by Sue Tompkins doc ebay book bookstore pocket

Hi, please tell me where Aspects In Astrology: A Comprehensive guide to Interpretation by Sue Tompkins doc ebay book bookstore pocket

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Book description
What are astrological aspects and how do they show themselves in a horoscope? How do they relate to the zodiac as a whole and how important are they ? Most importantly, how can they best be put to use in understanding our individual needs and relationships? Sue Tompkins, former Director of Schools for the prestigious Faculty of Astrological Studies, explains the significance and practical use of astrological aspects, which go much deeper into revealing the layers of a persons character than do most summaries offered by basic descriptions of star signs. Included is a section offering interpretations for every planetary combination. Also featured are examples drawn from the lives of many well-known people, along with charts and diagrams. Not simply another book on astrology, this is informative and useful guide will appeal equally to the experienced astrologer and to the beginner who wishes to know more.
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