Hi, please tell me where Age of Anansi by James Lovegrove free english txt how to store

Hi, please tell me where Age of Anansi by James Lovegrove free english txt how to store

Hi, please tell me where Age of Anansi by James Lovegrove free english txt how to store

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Book description

Book description
An original stand-alone novella in James Lovegroves best selling Patheon series.Dion Yeboah leads an orderly, disciplined life... until the day the spider appears. What looks like an ordinary arachnid turns out to be Anansi, the trickster god of African legend, and its arrival throws Dion’s existence into chaos. Dion’s already impressive legal brain is sharpened. He becomes nimbler-witted and more ruthless, able to manipulate and deceive like never before, both in and out of court. He has been transformed into Anansi’s avatar on earth.Then he discovers the price he has to pay for his new-found skills: he must travel to America and take part in a contest between avatars of all the other trickster gods. It’s a life-or-death battle of wits, full of skulduggery and double-cross. At the end, only one will be left standing.
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