Hi, please tell me where A Thief of Nightshade by J.S. Chancellor (Goodreads Author) bookstore access selling online ebay

Hi, please tell me where A Thief of Nightshade by J.S. Chancellor (Goodreads Author) bookstore access selling online ebay

Hi, please tell me where A Thief of Nightshade by J.S. Chancellor (Goodreads Author) bookstore access selling online ebay

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Book description
Avalar isnt real—at least it wasnt supposed to be. Aubrey never expected to fall in love with and marry her graduate writing professor, Jullian. His lifes work, a grim fantasy titled A Thief of Nightshade encompassed everything Aubrey hated about fairy tales and make-believe. After Jullian goes missing and is eventually presumed dead, Aubrey discovers just how make-believe the world of Nightshade is. Not only is Jullian alive and well in Avalar, hes at the mercy of the Dark Fae, condemned to a fate worse than death, with no memory of Aubrey or his time in her world. In order to save him, shell have to confront more than just the demons in her past, but the very real ones that await her in a place she never thought could exist. All of them will do everything in their power to stop her.
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