Hi, please tell me where A M2F Race by Gayle Keo audio page amazon online spanish

Hi, please tell me where A M2F Race by Gayle Keo audio page amazon online spanish

Hi, please tell me where A M2F Race by Gayle Keo audio page amazon online spanish

> READ BOOK > A M2F Race



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Book description
Amber never thought that she would meet the perfect man for her at a biker bar. But when Amber, a transgendered woman, gets harassed at a bar, a man named Matt comes in and stops the other man from harassing her. However, she immediately gets sucked into his world and starts to learn about the true nature of the other man. Matt is the perfect guy for her, but she’s afraid to tell him of her gender. Not only that, she also has the other problem of Travis, the homophobe who was harassing her at the bar. She could tell that he hated her, and when he starts to take drastic actions, things immediately change. Will Amber and Matt be able to handle a relationship with one another? Or will it stop before the fire starts?
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