Hi, please tell me where 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea by Jacqueline Nightingale (Adapter) online library ebook bookstore tablet

Hi, please tell me where 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea by Jacqueline Nightingale (Adapter) online library ebook bookstore tablet

Hi, please tell me where 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea by Jacqueline Nightingale (Adapter) online library ebook bookstore tablet

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Book description
Bring The Classics To Life. These novels have been adapted into 10 short chapters that will excite the reluctant reader as well as the enthusiastic one. Key words are defined and used in context. Multiple-choice questions require the student to recall specific details, sequence the events, draw inferences from story context, develop another name for the chapter, and choose the main idea. Let the Classics introduce Kipling, Stevenson, and H.G. Wells. Your students will embrace the notion of Crusoes lonely reflections, the psychological reactions of a Civil War soldier at Chancellorsville, and the tragedy of the Jacobite Cause in 18th Century Scotland. In our society, knowledge of these Classics is a cultural necessity. Improves fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.
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