Hi, please tell me where 101 Nine Patch Quilts by Marti Michell value tablet bookstore online touch

Hi, please tell me where 101 Nine Patch Quilts by Marti Michell value tablet bookstore online touch

Hi, please tell me where 101 Nine Patch Quilts by Marti Michell value tablet bookstore online touch

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Book description
2000, I have a first run book but I am sure it has been reissued. THIS IS A MUST HAVE BOOK. I think Ms Michell hunted in every museum, attic and storage unit in the USA in order to write this book. She has included 101 patterns for traditional NINE PATCH LAY OUTS. Beyond the basic instructions on how to assemble nine patches quickly, she gives snippets of history of the various patterns. When needed the individual pattern have some instructions to go with a new presentation. Measurements are given in inches and centimeters. She also tells you how to adjust the measurements so you make the patches and blocks to make the size quilt you want. This is all discussed in the how to section. A lot of these patterns are not for a total newbie quilter as she does not have step by step for each pattern. The directions are general and easily understood by a more experience quilters but the book it worth while as a reference. The four patch in most of the quilts are ONE INCH PATCHES resulting in 3 inch finished blocks. I re-figure the patterns using my EQ7 so I can use my pre-cuts. I HAVE TONS of pre-cuts jelly rolls since I cut two jelly strips off of all my stash fabric. Ms Michell discusses how to size the patches to get the quilt blocks you want in the book. I just found EQ 7 easier, besides I spent big buck on that software and I am going to use it.I WOULD RECOMMEND THIS BOOK TO ANY SERIOUS QUILTER. The book is invaluable, I consider it the encyclopedia of nine patches. Nonniehttp://nonniequiltingdreams.wordpress...Nonnies Quilting Dreams - Blog http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/...GOOD READShttp://nonniesquiltingdreams.podbean....Nonnies Quilting Dreams- Podcast
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