Henya Holds On To Her Secret Movie Download In Mp4

Henya Holds On To Her Secret Movie Download In Mp4


Henya Holds On To Her Secret Movie Download In Mp4


Katerina graduates from high school but gets disappointed when her brother and Daniel fail to attend the ceremony. Apparently Tomas was busy putting the blame for the missing 4 million pesos his father loaned from the bank on Daniel. Tomas used the money to pay his debts and he found Daniel as a convenient scapegoat. He had Daniel dragged by horses to teach him a lesson in front of the hacienda's other workers. Emily, who was observing nearby farms, became a witness to this and becomes curious on Daniel. Genia tries to heal Daniel's wounds and becomes regretful why they remain at the Alcantaras. She remembers getting Daniel as a baby after overhearing her sister Margaret tell the jail warden to dispose of Emily and Marco's son in an orphanage. Genia manages to take the baby and raises him as her own. She hopes to reunite him with Marco eventually but now it seems like a bad idea. Marco goes over to the Alcantaras after hearing of what happened to Daniel. He wants to take Daniel to the hospital but the young man refuses, even saying he will still remain and serve at the hacienda.


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