Help! tell plz as World War II US Cavalry Groups: European Theater by Gordon L. Rottman fb2 download free

Help! tell plz as World War II US Cavalry Groups: European Theater by Gordon L. Rottman fb2 download free

Help! tell plz as World War II US Cavalry Groups: European Theater by Gordon L. Rottman fb2 download free

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Book description
The cavalry regiments of the US Army were in the process of being transformed into a mechanized force when the USA entered World War II. While those cavalry regiments deployed to the Pacific to fight the Japanese were turned into infantry units, those sent to Europe were employed as light armor in the cavalrys traditional spearhead roles - reconnaissance, the screening of advances and flanks, and the pursuit of beaten enemy forces.Equipped with M8 Greyhound armored cars, M5 Stuart and M24 Chaffee light tanks, and halftracks, these units were designated cavalry groups (mechanized), each c. 1,700 strong and divided into two heavily armed squadrons. They were seldom attached to divisions, but to higher-level corps commands, meaning they could be shifted around quickly and independently and be formed at need into flexible battle groups with armored, infantry, and other units, depending on the mission. Thirteen CG(M)s fought in Europe, seeing a great deal of action - they were usually the first units in contact with the enemy, and, because of their mobility and freelance role, the ones sent as fire brigades to block dangerous gaps.Featuring specially drawn full-color illustrations depicting uniforms, insignia, armored vehicles, and tactical scenarios, this is the story of the US cavalry units that led the advance to victory in Europe during World War II.
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