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Book description
Jane Drake and Ann Love are a sister writing duo. Together they have published 25 non-fiction titles for junior/intermediate students. Their first book to hit the bestseller list was The Kids Cottage Book published in 1992. Since then they have written many bestsellers and award winners including Cool Woods: A Trip Around the Worlds Boreal Forest (2003), The Kids Book of the Night Sky (2004), Snow Amazing: Cool Facts and Warm Tales (2004), and Trash Action: A Fresh Look at Garbage (2006), Sweet! The Delicious Story of Candy (2007), Alien Invaders: Species that Threaten Our World (2008). Ann and Jane have shared a lifelong love of the outdoors enjoying everything from snow shoeing, to camping, bird watching, tree planting and photography. They get along magnificently, except on the tennis court.Jane lives in Toronto. She and husband escape the city whenever possible and recharge with weekends of sandhill crane sightings, star gazing, gardening and rigorous outdoor exercise. Nellie the ginger cat entertains Jane as she writes and Angus, the dog, makes sure she gets her daily walk. Jane would love to visit Siberia.
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