Help! tell plz as Weighted Vest Workouts: Supercharge Your Workout for Weight Loss, Muscle Building, Cardio Endurance and Core Strength by Jonathan Thompson (Goodreads Author) how read iBooks book acquire access

Help! tell plz as Weighted Vest Workouts: Supercharge Your Workout for Weight Loss, Muscle Building, Cardio Endurance and Core Strength by Jonathan Thompson (Goodreads Author) how read iBooks book acquire access

Help! tell plz as Weighted Vest Workouts: Supercharge Your Workout for Weight Loss, Muscle Building, Cardio Endurance and Core Strength

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Book description
A REVOLUTIONARY PROGRAM FOR UTILIZING WEARABLE WEIGHTS TO TAKE ONES GYM-FREE WORKOUT TO THE NEXT LEVELThe hot trend in fitness is to forgo bulky weights and muscle-isolating machines and get back to classic bodyweight exercises that utilize multiple muscles with each repetition. Standard moves like push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and burpees are proven to enhance conditioning by providing a highly-effective full body workout. But these exercises can be made even better!Weighted Vest Workouts shows readers how to overcome the obvious limitation of bodyweight exercises—one body weight—by adding comfortable, safe, wearable weights to their everyday fitness routines. This supercharged approach guarantees an even faster, more remarkable transformation in muscle tone, stamina and cardio health. This hands-on guide offers daily and weekly strength and cardio training routines that slowly increases body weight quotient for powerful muscle building. Incorporating adjustable, weighted vests as well as ankle and wrist weights, the daily routine features step-by-step photos, showing the proper way to complete each exercise safely and effectively at home.
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