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Help! tell plz as Weep Not, Refugee by Marie-Therese Toyi ebook finder bookstore amazon free

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Book description
The book is a novel on the problems of refugees from Burundi. Kigeme, a Burundian secondary school girl, must flee to Wirodi for her safety, due to the outbreak of the Hutu- Tutsi war in Burundi. On her way to exile, she has her mother raped in the open and drowned into a river, her father chopped into pieces by enemies, and herself raped by a casual philanthropist in the name of Kiroro.The fruit of this rape is Wache Wacheke Watachoka, the protagonist of the novel. He will be born and raised in a refugee camp in Wirodi, in conditiions of extreme poverty. But he will grow up. Her mother Kigeme will pass through a short time prostitution to a life time profession (begging) in order to bring up Wache.Daily sufferings in the camp open his eyes to the true face of the world around him, and give him the stamina to struggle for his own survival. He is very much aware that in Wirodi a refugee is highly unwanted.The experiences of repeated failures in all his attempts to get a bright life lead him to madness, as he is seen wandering about places, getting no attention from the crowd in spite of the script on his psychiatric hospital T-shirt, which read: Help me, I am lost.
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