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Help! tell plz as Visionary Activist Astrology by Caroline W. Casey iBooks look doc online ebay

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Book description
When astrologer Caroline Casey speaks, there is revolution in the air. From her early years of study with Joseph Campbell to her infamous debate with Patrick Buchanan on Crossfire to her highly regarded radio show broadcast over KPFA in Berkeley, Casey has turned both astrology and politics upside down with her futuristic views and compassionate activism.On Visionary Activist Astrology, Casey introduces a wide new audience to her unique approach to astrology and the larger forces that shape our universe -- and our unique destinies. With wit and intelligence, Casey offers a fresh vision of astrology that combines symbols and archetypes with the essential tools of psychology. Sign by sign, in 12 complete lessons, Casey explains the hidden connections and potentials between our inner and outer worlds. With instructions for making and reading a celestial chart -- and meditations for navigating our own miniature cosmos -- Visionary Activist Astrology marries the study of the stars and the study of the psyche into a single life-changing program.
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