Help! tell plz as Traitors Gorge by Mike Lee (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks

Help! tell plz as Traitors Gorge by Mike Lee (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks

Help! tell plz as Traitors Gorge by Mike Lee (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks

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Book description
For nearly ten millennia, the Crimson Fists waged war against the enemies of mankind from their home planet of Rynn’s World. And then, in one cataclysmic event, Rynn’s World fell, despoiled by the hordes of the orks. Six months later, Chapter Master Pedro Kantor leads the shattered remnants of his Space Marines in pursuit of a force of greenskins still clinging to life in the mountains of the devastated world. But when they are drawn into a trap, Kantor and his battle-brothers realise that they have massively underestimated their foe…30,000 word hardback NovellaOnly 1000 copies printed worldwide Wrap around dust jacket over Crimson Fists hardcover Exclusive colour section with map and additional artwork Individually numbered
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