Help! tell plz as The Walking Dead, Issue #114 by Robert Kirkman fb2 ibooks iphone

Help! tell plz as The Walking Dead, Issue #114 by Robert Kirkman fb2 ibooks iphone

Help! tell plz as The Walking Dead, Issue #114 by Robert Kirkman fb2 ibooks iphone

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I really hate Negan more and more every time he opens his mouth. Im so sick of him threatening Rick and his people and someone really needs to do something about this asshole. Im so ready for him to be killed.I really hope that Andrea does something for Rick and the others soon. I know that shes hurt and all, but come on. Start shooting or something, lady. Rick and the others are in deep shit, here.Nicholas is really a piece of work, and NOT in a good way. Hes an asshole for telling Negan to take someone else. I get that hes trying to protect his family, but hes going about it the wrong way.Oh shit, Negans starting his creepy counting nursery rhyme again. I really hope that something happens to keep him from killing Rick or any of the other people of Alexandria. Well, on second thought, Negan can kill Nicholas.Whoo! Look at Jesus go! Hes kicking the ass of those men! Man, Jesus is really good at fighting. He needs to teach the people at the Hiltop and the people of Alexandria how to fight and kick ass like he does.HELL FUCKING YES! GO JESUS! He hit Negan in the head with the mans own bat, and Jesus now has Negan trapped in his arms, holding him hostage. Oh, HELL FUCKING YES!!! Go Ezekiel and Shiva!Eat them up Shiva! Eat all of Negans men up, so that they cant kill Rick, Jesus, or anyone else. Oh man, Im really starting to like Shiva. I dont, however like that Jesus tried to get them to keep from killing Negan. I agree with Ezekiel.Im glad that Rick and Michonne know what Andreas still alive, and that Rick sent Michonne to get help for Andrea. I hope that Doctor Cloyd can patch Andrea up and that she lives through this.I think Im really starting to like Ezekiel, who I hope doesnt end up turning against Rick and his group. I liked the conversation between Ezekiel and Jesus and that Ezekiel wants to look around Alexandria.Im glad that Andreas going to be okay, as shes one of my favorite characters, who can take names and kick ass with the best of them. However, as for what Rick was saying, I dont believe it. I dont think theyll be ready in time to take down Negan in just a few days.I really like that Carl wants to find Negan and his men and kick their ass. Hes going to grow into strong man and I cant wait to see what Carl will be capable of when he grows up and becomes an adult.I liked the conversation between Carl and Rick. Im glad that Rick wants Carl to stay behind to defend Alexandria, and for Carl to give them the information about the inside of the Saviors compound or whatever its called.I liked the conversation between Jesus and Rick and I like that Jesus wants to remain on Rick and his groups side. The things Jesus said about Gregory, Ezekiel and Negan are true, and also about Rick.Rick does seem like the only person capable of leading them all in the attack against Negan and his men and if something happens to him, theyre all screwed. So, Rick needs to be careful in what he says and does from now on.Oh man, for Negan to officially say that they and everyone else are going to war, it definitely worries me. All kinds of bad things can and are going to happen. Im worried about whos going to die on Ricks side.
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