Help! tell plz as The Uglified Ducky by Willy Claflin original torrent francais free buy

Help! tell plz as The Uglified Ducky by Willy Claflin original torrent francais free buy

Help! tell plz as The Uglified Ducky by Willy Claflin original torrent francais free buy

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Book description
You may think you know the story of the Ugly Duckling, but think again. In the capable hands of his alter ego Maynard Moose, storyteller Willy Claflin takes us on a wacky journey where this Uglified Ducky, a hapless young moose, blunders away from his home, is mistaken for a baby duck, and endured endless humiliation as he tries to learn to waddle, quack, swim, and fly. Eventually he finds his true fambly, who help him discover his own beauty.In his fractured English, translated in the glossary at front, Maynard relays a surprisingly tender story that echoes the original tales theme of the struggle to belong. The Uglified Duckys quest is playfully but sympathetically interpreted in James Stimsons luminous, droll gouache illustrations.
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