Help! tell plz as The State of Play: Creators and Critics on Video Game Culture by Daniel Goldberg (Editor) fb2 online free

Help! tell plz as The State of Play: Creators and Critics on Video Game Culture by Daniel Goldberg (Editor) fb2 online free

Help! tell plz as The State of Play: Creators and Critics on Video Game Culture by Daniel Goldberg (Editor) fb2 online free

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Book description

Book description
FEATURING: IAN BOGOST - LEIGH ALEXANDER - ZOE QUINN - ANITA SARKEESIAN & KATHERINE CROSS - IAN SHANAHAN - ANNA ANTHROPY - EVAN NARCISSE - HUSSEIN IBRAHIM - CARA ELLISON & BRENDAN KEOGH - DAN GOLDING - DAVID JOHNSTON - WILLIAM KNOBLAUCH - MERRITT KOPAS - OLA WIKANDERThe State of Play is a call to consider the high stakes of video game culture and how our digital and real lives collide. Here, video games are not hobbies or pure recreation; they are vehicles for art, sex, and race and class politics.The sixteen contributors are entrenched—they are the video game creators themselves, media critics, and Internet celebrities. They share one thing: they are all players at heart, handpicked to form a superstar roster by Daniel Goldberg and Linus Larsson, the authors of the bestselling Minecraft: The Unlikely Tale of Markus Notch Persson and the Game that Changed Everything.The State of Play is essential reading for anyone interested in what may well be the defining form of cultural expression of our time.
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