Help! tell plz as The Secret of the Stone Frog: A TOON Graphic by David Nytra (Illustrations) free store eng pc online

Help! tell plz as The Secret of the Stone Frog: A TOON Graphic by David Nytra (Illustrations) free store eng pc online

Help! tell plz as The Secret of the Stone Frog: A TOON Graphic by David Nytra (Illustrations) free store eng pc online

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Book description
In a magical world unlike any you’ve seen before . . .When Leah and Alan awaken in an enchanted forest, they have only each other and their wits to guide them. In a world of pet bees and giant rabbits, they befriend foppish lions and stone frogs, learning to confront danger as they find both their own independence and the way home. Newcomer David Nytra’s breathtaking pictures break the boundaries of imagination, sending the reader on a wild flight of fantasy while experiencing the most universal of stories: growing up.
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