Help! tell plz as The Reluctant Goddess by Karen Ranney (Goodreads Author) amazon book pocket full version link

Help! tell plz as The Reluctant Goddess by Karen Ranney (Goodreads Author) amazon book pocket full version link

Help! tell plz as The Reluctant Goddess by Karen Ranney (Goodreads Author) amazon book pocket full version link

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Book description
Life was getting stranger instead of easier. Not only was Marcie Montgomery still craving tacos - and any kind of cheesecake - now she was lusting after her knight in confusing armor. Plus, she knew her dog wasn’t exactly a dog. Witches and explosions, a murderous mother escaped from jail, half-mad members of human-only groups, the evil Niccolo Maddock, and the gynecologist from hell all add up to make Marcie’s life just like the Chinese curse: it is better to live as a rat in a cage of cats than it is to be a vampire anywhere.
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