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Book description
In a drab Vienna office, a very ordinary - looking man pours over the letters and documents strewn across his desk. His name is Simon Wiesenthal. He is balding, slightly paunchy, and usually dressed in a plain, gray business suit. Yet, this man is the most feared avenger in the world, and his inconspicuous office is the center of an incredible international tracking network responsible for the capture of nearly 1,000 notorious Nazis! Adolf Eichmann, Franz Stangl, Commandant of the Sobibor and Treblinka death camps, Murer, the Butcher of Wilna, Silberbauer, the Gestapo agent who arrested Anne Frank — the list of his clients reads like a Whos Who of Hell...THE MURDERERS AMONG US is the terrifying story of this man, and of how and why he earned the label, The worlds most relentless Nazi-Hunter!Reads like a fascinating detective thriller.. .You just cant lay the book down.-SATURDAY REVIEWAN ABSORBING NIGHTMARE TALE...IT IS ALL TRUE, BUT THE READER MUST PINCH HIMSELF TO BELIEVE IT.-MIAMI HERALD
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