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Help! tell plz as The Little School: Tales of Disappearance and Survival by Alicia Partnoy download book how download view library

Help! tell plz as The Little School: Tales of Disappearance and Survival by Alicia Partnoy download book how download view library

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Book description
Alicia is a survivor of the Argentine dictatorship of the 1970s who was taken without legal process to a secret prison and tortured there. In Argentina these secret prisons are often called concentration camps but to me that term is being used for emotional weight and is inaccurate. Camps are open air, hold large numbers of inmates, kill with disease and forced labor as much as by violence, and their existence is publicly acknowledged to maximize terror. None of this was true in the Argentine case and these secret facilities, to my mind, resemble the prisons of the Inquisition or the Czar more than the camps of the Nazis or the Gulag. Americans who speak casually about waterboarding, muscular interrogation, and suspension of habeus corpus should know where this leads. There was no excuse for this in Argentina and there is no excuse for it in the United States. President Obama seems to be stopping it for now (January 2009) but whether this will be backed up by legislation and adherence to international treaties, like putting Americans under the jurisdiction of the World Court for war crimes, remains to be seen. As of now, the next President could go back to torture and secret prisons as easily as Obama reversed Bushs policies.(2011 Update)Obama did not reverse policy in these areas. That was an early hope, now seen to be hollow.
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