Help! tell plz as The James V Trilogy: The Riven Realm / James, the Grace of God / Rough Wooing by Nigel Tranter download txt android offline СЃhapter

Help! tell plz as The James V Trilogy: The Riven Realm / James, the Grace of God / Rough Wooing by Nigel Tranter download txt android offline СЃhapter

Help! tell plz as The James V Trilogy: The Riven Realm / James, the Grace of God / Rough Wooing by Nigel Tranter download txt android

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Book description
I became intrigued about the history of King James V after reading several accounts (historical fiction) of Queen Mary of Scotland--notably Mary Queen of Scotland & The Isles by Margaret George. James V was her father and her son, James VI of Scotland, became King James I of England after the death of Elizabeth I.I had always wondered why Mary was whisked away to France after her fathers death, leaving her, and the Scottish throne, in the hands of her French mother. This novel presents an interesting and valid account of James Vs character--coddling as a child, impetuous, and focused on being a military hero--and how it fed into allowing his only heir to be raised and influenced by a foreign power.While there is plenty of action, as fleshed out in many historical battles, I found the observations of those surrounding him to be most interesting. James V is presented as flawed, very human, and torn between his obligations as King and his more personal desires.
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