Help! tell plz as The Guy Most Likely To... by Leslie Kelly (Goodreads Author) text mp3 price free apple

Help! tell plz as The Guy Most Likely To... by Leslie Kelly (Goodreads Author) text mp3 price free apple

Help! tell plz as The Guy Most Likely To... by Leslie Kelly (Goodreads Author) text mp3 price free apple

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Book description
Ever wonder what happened to the guy most likely to…Score with the prom queen?Lauren and Seth were the high school it couple—until Seth disappeared on prom night. But a reunion gives Seth a chance to show Lauren an evening long overdue.Not date a Playboy Bunny?Ali was the highlight of geeky Wills high school years. But now that hes ditched the nerdiness, hes 100 percent of calculated hotness…and Ali wont be able to say no.Ride out of town on a Harley?Rebel Scott Rip Ripley always had a thing for the elusive Erica. But reunion night holds a few sexy surprises when Erica decides its time to take the bad boy for a ride.
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