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Help! tell plz as The Grass Widow by Nanci Little online look how to audio get

Help! tell plz as The Grass Widow by Nanci Little online look how to audio get

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Book description
I enjoyed some of the humour in this book, the overall description and set up of the world was convincing and I warmed to both main characters. Several events were quite surprising. It suffered from the problem that afflicts a lot of these historic lesbian novels, where no one has the right reaction to their homosexuality. Neither woman sees a problem with it for longer than half a chapter, and no one else comments on it, beyond accepting it because it makes them happy. Now, thats lovely and beautiful and everything, but its not realistic. The same goes for the one character knows the bible trope - Joss reads the bible and reasons that Leviticus doesnt forbid homosexuality, I nearly bought it, but then it slipped into gee, Jesus probably wasnt white at which point I sort of rolled my eyes - these are not thoughts that seemed period appropriate. Modern mindsets slipping into historic fiction stick out like sore cellphones. It was also sometimes a little difficult to know what was happening, there was a lot of dialect, and the switches in perspective and place werent well signposted, so the latter part of the novel, with fever dreams etc, was difficult to navigate.Overall, it was alright, and enjoyable.
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