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Help! tell plz as The Fire Horse Girl by Kay Honeyman (Goodreads Author) ios access how download information online

Help! tell plz as The Fire Horse Girl by Kay Honeyman (Goodreads Author) ios access how download information online

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Book description
Jade Moon is a Fire Horse—the worst sign in the Chinese zodiac for girls, said to make them stubborn, willful, and far too imaginative. But while her family despairs of marrying her off, she has a passionate heart and powerful dreams, and wants only to find a way to make them come true.Then a young man named Sterling Promise comes to their village to offer Jade Moon and her father a chance to go to America. While Sterling Promises smooth manners couldnt be more different from her own impulsive nature, Jade Moon falls in love with him on the long voyage. But America in 1923 doesnt want to admit many Chinese, and when they are detained at Angel Island, the Ellis Island of the West, she discovers a betrayal that destroys all her dreams. To get into America, much less survive there, Jade Moon will have to use all her stubbornness and will to break a new path... one as brave and dangerous as only a Fire Horse girl can imagine.
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