Help! tell plz as The Conquerors Lady by Terri Brisbin (Goodreads Author) txt online

Help! tell plz as The Conquerors Lady by Terri Brisbin (Goodreads Author) txt online

Help! tell plz as The Conquerors Lady by Terri Brisbin (Goodreads Author) txt online

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Book description
THE WARRIORS CAPTIVE BRIDEStrong, ruthless, brave and honorable, Giles Fitzhenry is a born warrior who has never been able to shake off the shame of his illegitimate birth.To save her people and lands, the lady Fayth is forced to marry this powerful Breton knight. She yearns to be rid of her unwelcome husband, although a deep desire stirs each time she looks into his piercing gaze.Now Giles has conquered all, but the ultimate battle will be for his new ladys love --- and her utter surrender!
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