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Book description
Is it possible that the simple act of being is not actually that simple? That to really be here now requires practice, like any other skill worth learning? On The Art of Presence, Eckhart Tolle invites you to a six-session audio retreat to teach you how to deepen the moment-to-moment realization of your essential nature the unified consciousness that lives in all things.What Is Your Relationship to the Present Moment?When Eckhart Tolle wrote his international bestseller The Power of Now, he pointed us in the direction of something thats always been right under our noses: life in this very instant.Yet why do so many of us continue to feel like were missing it? Attention, he teaches, is the answer: a quality of relaxed alertness that you can progressively sharpen and sustain. In so doing, you overcome the judgments and limitations of the mind-made sense of self with its endless stream of thoughts about past and future, and find an expanse of peace and renewed purpose in each and every moment.Course objectives: Discuss different degrees of presence and different degrees of absenceList some exercises you can do to help you achieve presenceDescribe the difference between quality and quantityDescribe some of the feelings of presenceExplain the difference between presence and absenceDiscuss different forms and different levels of the egoic mindDescribe the pitfalls of the egoIdentify thoughts of the growing egoOn The Art of Presence, Eckhart guides you through more than seven hours of transformational insights that allow presence to naturally arise in you. With his one-of-a-kind instruction, you will learn how to ground yourself in the vibrancy of your inner body while simultaneously breaking free from the illusion of separation from the outside world, how to connect to the perceiver of all your experiences to realize the wisdom of spiritual surrender, how to access the higher intelligence that empowers right action, and much more.Discovering the Extraordinary in the OrdinaryIn every seemingly ordinary moment, explains Eckhart, a profound depth and beauty awaits your discovery. The Art of Presence is your opportunity to join him for a simple retreat from the chaos and uncertainty of the story of your life into the ever-expanding awareness of the fullness of life in the Now.
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