Help! tell plz as The ABC of the Revolutionary Anarchist & On Revolutionary Discipline by Nestor Makhno pdf online

Help! tell plz as The ABC of the Revolutionary Anarchist & On Revolutionary Discipline by Nestor Makhno pdf online

Help! tell plz as The ABC of the Revolutionary Anarchist & On Revolutionary Discipline by Nestor Makhno pdf online

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Book description
Anarcho-Communist peasant turned guerrilla leader.At first Makhno and his men fought against the Russian white army and supported the Bolshewiks. But later attempted to found a an anarchist society in a territory in the Ukraine. Which lasted for 2 years before the Soviet Union took it over.In 1921 he was forced into exile and Makhno died in 1934 in France.Makhno is also considered to be the developer of the Tachanka a horse-drawn machine gun platform
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