Help! tell plz as Terms of Surrender (Harlequin Blaze) (Uniformly Hot!, #18) by Leslie Kelly (Goodreads Author) download book free epub

Help! tell plz as Terms of Surrender (Harlequin Blaze) (Uniformly Hot!, #18) by Leslie Kelly (Goodreads Author) download book free epub

Help! tell plz as Terms of Surrender (Harlequin Blaze) (Uniformly Hot!, #18) by Leslie Kelly (Goodreads Author) download book free

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Book description

Book description
Subject: Danny Wilkes, navy pilot.Current status: On shore rotation. Very intrigued by a sassy visiting lecturer...Mission: Enter the astronaut training program.Obstacle: Marissa Marshall, Ph.D. Shes keeping Danny preoccupied with earthly delights...Danny Wilkes might have outgrown his risk-taking flyboy days, but he still loves a thrill now and then. And nobodys thrilled him lately like fiery Mari Marshall. Sex with her is a bigger turn-on than any of the air maneuvers Dannys ever pulled. He falls head over heels...hard.But Mari has bitter memories of being a military brat. Shell never enter that life again—not even for the best sex shes ever had.Its a hell of a choice. Does Danny give up his skyrocketing career? Or let go of the only woman who revs his engine into the stratosphere?
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